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From Struggle to Unshakeable
Confidence, Success and Fulfilment

Here's how we've helped our clients SHIFT their stuff!

The Better Brain Company: therapy & mentoring online

Inspired Into Action!

Even within 30 minutes, Abi helped me to reframe the main the blocker holding me back and our conversation spurred me on to get my ass in gear and take action on something that I'd been procrastinating on.


I came away feeling energised and positive about taking my next step forward in my business"

- Tamsin Williamson | The Parenthood Coach

Lifting the Brain Fog

"All the fog and indecision is lifting.  So many things have fallen into place - in my mind and then in reality.

I'm now pursuing the business my way, focusing on what lights me up and how to make it sustainable and creative.  I'm also exploring new directions that have been there forever, but I've never had the guts to go for"

- E.B. | Graphic Designer

I Didn't Realise I Needed This...

I didn't think I was struggling before, however by the middle of our taster session I realised I was letting myself be affected by certain others in a way that was definitely wasting my energy, time and happiness.  I wanted to be at peace, to stop being drawn back {by reactions which were limiting my peace and happiness}.

At the midpoint of that first {IEMT} session, I felt a 'release', as well as a proud sense of responsibility that I was owning and addressing this.  I now feel lighter and I have stopped lessening myself.

The best part?  The evolution of my own operating system, now as an adult free from the hangover autopilot of my younger self.  

Thank you, it has been so great!  From not appreciating I was limiting myself, I now feel freer!

- L.C. | Personal Performance Coach

Feeling Truly Unshakeable

"Working with Abi took all the self-development work I've done over the past decade and fast-tracked it to what I've been looking for all along... 

An unshakeable internal belief in myself.

If you want to have a high sense of self-worth, gain clarity on who you are and be so grounded by your values that your path becomes clear, and nothing anyone says or does can chink your armour - work with Abi.

Beforehand, I charged very little for my services, never felt I was enough, and had very few boundaries.  As a result, money wasn't always consistent, I allowed sh*tty relationships to dominate my life, and I struggled with decision fatigue regularly.

After just 3 sessions, I felt a deep sense of 'knowing' with my higher self.  Like I've come to know who I was destined to be.

I inherently know my values SO well, that I can't do anything BUT live by them.  I raised my prices confidently, set boundaries for my business and personal life, and created a lot more presence in my life.

I highly recommend hiring Abi ASAP!

Thank you, Abi, so very much".

- Jade Fulton | Linkedin Strategist, Business Coach & Entrepreneur

Inner Voice Mastery

I was struggling with situational anxiety, feelings of dread/fear before particular professional settings, resulting in over-preparation and perfectionism.  It was physically and mentally exhausting and straining - frustrating because I knew it was the very thing preventing me from being really effective.

I was fascinated how in such a short space of time the brain could work with you to find a better sense of feeling around a situation.  I could see shifts in the session, and afterwards would try to call on the original feeling and could see that it wasn't coming back with the same intensity.

While I love coaching as a form of change and transformation, knowing that there is a method that can supplement that work is brilliant!

- Anon | Non-Executive Director | Strategic Advisor | Leadership Coach

Jedi Mind Tricks!

Wow Abi!  You're like a really nice Jedi! 

My session with you totally hit the spot. I've had nothing but great days since.  I'm singing daily, raising my prices and I've already started rebranding. 

Thank you so much!

- Roșie B | Founder, Happy in Harmony Music

The Power of IEMT

​During my first IEMT session with Abi I felt a real shift in certain anxieties that I'd been holding on to as a result of experiences long in my past. 


I didn't know what to expect from the session and was surprised at how quickly Abi's careful questioning got to the very heart of the matter, and how the technique itself helped me let go of past patterning that had certainly been holding me back with business and probably life in general!


I've felt more free to show up on social media in a more authentic way, helping me connect with my audience more meaningfully of late, and I'm sure my session with Abi helped to kickstart that.


Incredibly powerful.


Thank you Abi, so grateful for your support.

- Heather Keats | Wellness Coach | Rebel Peace

Fear-free, Mind-blowing Empowerment

During... My mind is blown!

I love how relaxed and comfortable your sessions are.  In previous coaching there has been this pressure to set goals in a short space of time and rush the process, which leaves me setting goals that I don't really resonate with and I just felt pressured to set quickly (not actually accomplishing them either!).

It feels like these ideas are actually reachable rather than scary and impossible - even though some of them are super-big!  SO excited for the future!!

And after... I had my highest income month to date and completely turned my business around to fit around mine and my family's needs, working fewer hours with only dream clients.


Abi empowered me to make big, scary decisions, deal with setbacks along the way and chase my dreams.  

- SS | Founder & Tutor

Connecting With Purpose

I was struggling with the momentum in my business, I wasn't happy with what I was doing and it showed with my business's performance.​  My work-life balance was off, I was working too many evenings and weekends.  I started my business so that I could be there for my family and I wasn't!

We realigned my business and the way I'm doing things now makes me SO much happier.  I can see things turning out for the better.  I have a mission.  I have a purpose and I know why I am here and why I am doing it!

Investing in you is one of the BEST things I have done for myself and my business.

- Leah Crowfoot | Finance Coach & Mentor

Quiet Confidence

Abi was a delightfully calm person who demonstrates that confidence can be a quiet thing rather than a loud, gregarious trait. She is soothing to the soul when dealing with frustrating / upsetting issues.

Abi was brilliant at getting me to reach the answers I so desperately sought.  She would build my confidence in the process of finding my own answers. I am truly grateful to her for this.

Her calm nature allowed for a peaceful session, calming my anxiety over all that was going on in the busyness of my head and reminding me I can do this.

- HF | Psychotherapist

Rapidly Processing Problems

Abi has a very natural and engaging manner and is brilliant at putting you at your ease.

During the session we did together, she helped me gain new insights about how I was viewing a particular issue, while also taking me through a special process that gently connects directly to what's going on for me neurologically. This helps the brain process old information in a new way. It was fascinating and something we could all benefit from I think! Highly recommended.

- Amanda | Executive & Leadership Coach

Coping With Emotional Events

I highly recommend Abi's services. I have experienced periods of very poor mental health throughout my life - none more so since .... {a deeply emotionally distressing recent event}... which devastated me.

Abi's sessions have really helped me to be able to function again and to move forward. I am so grateful I met her and would not hesitate to use her services again if needed. Such a lovely person and highly skilled. Very gentle and caring.

- Rachel Stone | Leadership Coach

Giving Fewer F*cks!

Abi’s recent LinkedIn strap line about helping to give fewer f*cks was finally the description I was looking for to explain the positive impact she has had in my business and personal life.

Abi’s unique approach will have you wondering what happened, but feeling so much more in tune with yourself and your life than you expected.

In a sea of coaches with their niches - Abi stands out as delivering on the promise.

Highly recommended!

- John Royce | Hospitality & Retail Solutions Provider

Mindset Magic

We have not worked directly together but I can highly recommend Abi's skills and professionalism, and her ability to cut through to the root causes of mindset issues.

Her meditations are amazing and so are her podcast episodes - my favourite content of Abi's.


I would highly recommend working with Abi if you like a no-nonsense, compassionate, straight to the point approach. She can help you in your personal and business life to succeed on all levels.

- Charlotte Moir | Live Virtual Events Organiser

Capable, Worthy and In Control

Abi is the secret behind my transformed mindset.


I’ve gone from totally lacking confidence and trapped in a job I hated to confidently self employed and in control of my life and future.

Since working with Abi, I’ve been able to launch a business I love and take risks I’d never felt capable of because I was trapped in a cycle of wondering “what if...” and constantly holding myself back from doing what I really dreamed of in case something went wrong.

When I have had set backs - as we inevitably do as business owners - I’ve been able to take calm, appropriate action without seeing my life as a disaster - which I undoubtedly would have done had I not grown as a person through my work with Abi.

Abi has transformed my mindset from a place of negativity and worry, and has helped me reach a place where I am able to do what I’m passionate about with confidence that I am in control, I am capable and I am worthy of the successful business I have built.

- Zoe Whitman | Founder | The 6 Figure Bookkeeper

A Complete Mindset Overhaul!

I'd been following Abi on LinkedIn for a while before we started working together and found her posts to be a breath of fresh air. Completely down to earth and realistic. None of those empty 'inspirational' soundbites you get from others. I knew early on that we would work together at some point.

I totally changed my business in 2021, moving away from providing done for you services into consultancy and mentoring, and massively increased my pricing, which was a big deal. I was also struggling with my mental health and got into a funk where I was putting way too much pressure on myself and freaking myself out. Being a classic perfectionist, I struggled with lots of doubt and anxiety, and although I knew exactly what I needed to do, I was holding myself back all the time.

2022 rolled around, and I knew I needed to make massive changes to achieve my business ambitions. And that's when I signed up with Abi. Our work together was intense, but it made massive changes for me through a blend of coaching and hypnotherapy.

In terms of tangible results, I’m taking action in my business that I’ve been putting off for years. I’ve finally had a branding photoshoot, and I LOVE the pics! I’m automating some parts of the business and making decisive changes in others. I’m excited about my business again because I’m not bogged down anymore and have clear plans already underway to grow to the next level. I’m finally sorting out my website, too, which has been the bane of my life!

Writing content for social media is so much easier now as well. My partner and even some of my business buddies have commented that my posts are much more confident, and the language I use is more direct. It’s bringing in more leads than ever before, so definitely working!
There’ve also been many positive impacts on my life outside work. I’m communicating more honestly with everyone in my life. I sleep better and am better able to organise everything. I’m even a lot less angry when driving!

Without a doubt, working with Abi is the best money I’ve ever invested in myself. Life is as busy as ever before, but I’m able to cope with it all now.

I’m so thankful that I found Abi, as she is such a kind, warm and thoughtful person who is so good at what she does. I’m super excited to continue working with her over the next year and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to anyone needing a complete mindset overhaul.

Thank you so much for everything, Abi! ❤

- Caroline Brown | Mentor, Coach & Strategist |

Now Proudly The Better Brain Company's Ops Manager!

Dialing Down The Overwhelm

Abi is amazing. So understanding and a true wise woman. Sessions with her helped me relax, reduce stress and sleep well, it was a brilliant investment to make in a very hectic time in my life. I'd recommend her to anyone wanting to get the most out of life but feeling overwhelmed with life's juggling act.

- Lesley Waldron | Midlife Women's Wellbeing Coach

Inner Voice Mastery

"One week in and already worth every penny!  A brilliant way to work with a fabulous person, sort out your inner voice and make it work FOR you"

- Anna | Founder & Tutor

Simple Solutions to Stress

As a working mum juggling two busy children, school runs, after-school clubs, a dog, housework, my business and managing my child's recent health challenges, stress had truly taken its toll on me.  Sleep was elusive, headaches were a daily battle, and I felt overwhelmed.


Abi’s meditation came at just the right time and has been an absolute blessing.  From the moment I pressed play, Abi’s calming voice worked its magic. The recording wasn’t long, which fits in perfectly with my busy days, it was exactly what I needed.


I felt myself relax almost instantly, and before I knew it, I was asleep. I woke up feeling lighter and more refreshed than I had in weeks. The next morning, I treated myself to a rare morning nap while listening again, which gave me the energy and clarity to face the rest of my day.

What I love most is how simple yet effective it is – I can listen to it over and over again, knowing it will help keep my stress levels in check. Abi’s techniques have truly been transformative for me, and I am so grateful to have her support. If you're feeling overwhelmed or struggling to unwind, I highly recommend giving her meditations a try – it’s a game-changer!

- Megan Park | Owner & VA | MI Virtual Services

Moving Forward With Certainty

"I'm no longer wasting time and energy on something that consumed me for 3 months.

A good wellbeing coach listens and allows the client to come up with their own solutions.

A good business coach helps create a solid strategy & plan.

Abi manages to bring both these elements together - so I was left feeling like I had a solid plan and that I was invested in it.  This helped me feel confident and sure that I was heading in the right direction for me.

I am now able to move forward with certainty and I'm taking action, rather than procrastinating".

- HK | Fitness & Wellbeing Coach

Today is where better begins

The Better Brain Company: confidence, clarity & focus

How we can help

From simple audio tracks to improve sleep and mental performance, through to 1:1 therapy, coaching & mind mentoring - access the level of support you need, when you need it

The Better Brain Company: guided meditation audio resources

Audio Resources

Explore our selection of guided meditation audios - carefully written by our resident hypnotherapist to rewire your subconscious while you relax and set you up for a great night's sleep!

The Better Brain Company: online psychotherapy & resources for better mental wellbeing

Self Study

Learn to understand your mind and thought processes in your own time, and pick up practical skills and tips for more effective mind management.

Abi Rogers, founder of The Better Brain Company

1:1 Sessions

Work with our founder, experienced psychotherapist & mentor Abi Rogers, to rapidly rewire your subconscious mind through 1:1 online sessions and support, tailored to you.

All Hands In

Happier People,
Healthier Teams,
Better Performance

Need help to support your people to:


overcome the inner critic

build confidence and communication skills

learn mind optimisation strategies

enhance their mental wellbeing


... so they can perform way better in their work & personal lives?

That's something we do here at The Better Brain Company, too.

Speak to us about our mindset & mental wellbeing programmes for conscious organisations, BCorps and SMEs.

Any questions?
Please get in touch

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The Better Brain Company, Hypnotherapy & IEMT in Bristol and Online

©2025 by The Better Brain Company

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