The Better Brain Company

Our founder, Abi Rogers
As a raving introvert with extrovert tendencies, I always struggled with shyness and self-confidence - and developed severe social anxiety as a result of bullying as a child and in my teens.
I also had a few terrifying performance-related ordeals in my early years - being neurodivergent didn't help - and I was incredibly self-critical and overly conscious of my body and behaviours. My lack of confidence and self-belief meant I couldn't even cope in job interview situations, let alone speak in public or pursue my passion for music and singing - so I decided to build my own business and do things in a way that felt ethical and good to me (as you do).
However, I struggled to run that business successfully, due to my crushing need to please other people and keep everyone on side - and my inability to advocate for myself with my former business associates. Management and people were NOT my strong point - and I drove myself to near-burnout, trying to juggle all the things and keep everyone happy.
And despite still being terrified of singing in front of other people, it became my one and only distraction and means of escape from a life that was bringing me little joy and LOTS of stress.
Then one day I decided to join a community choir, took some lessons with the director - even those lessons made my stomach flip, my legs shake, my heart pound and my voice wobble! But I was hooked. And I was encouraged to pursue classical singing as well as contemporary and musical theatre because - well, apparently I had a voice!
The only problem was, that voice didn't want to work for anyone but me.

I kept pushing and pushing myself to perform, convinced that a bit of 'feel the fear and do it anyway' and 'fake it til you make it' would pay dividends in the end.
But if anything, it just made matters worse.
I hadn't realised at the time, but I was essentially re-traumatising myself - every time I tried to calm my breathing, rehearse my pieces and performances to get them more perfect, or talk myself out of feeling the rising panic. And worst of all, the thing I loved was starting to feel like an enormous stress and pressure rather than a joy. Something had to change.
"Whoever told you you can't sing?!"​
I was asked this by my mentor one day - and those words will stay with me forever! Because in that moment I realised that the anxiety I was feeling was all coming from ME. And I decided it was high time I did something to change that.
So I booked a hypnotherapy session.
6 weeks later I wasn't just a different person on stage - I was calmer, more confident and more
present in EVERY aspect of my life. Able to run my business the way I wanted. Able to walk away from the stresses and pressures that no longer served me. Able to advocate, stand up for myself and show up as the person I wanted to be.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
My personal struggles with confidence and burnout have made me absolutely determined to spread the word - a better, happier life IS possible.
I want to help others understand that HOW you think and feel is not WHO you are - and that almost anything you want is within reach, with a little help from your subconscious.
I've spent the past 8 years studying the neuroscience & psychology of success, and working with ambitious people to shape their brains for the better.
​And I'd love to help you, too.
My Professional Qualifications
HPD DSFH (NCH Reg.) - The Clifton Practice 2017
DMH - The Clinical Hypnotherapy School 2019
IEMT Practitioner - The Hypnotherapy Academy 2023
BSc. (Hons) - Aston University 2001